Most states had no laws dictating
Most states had no laws dictating which kits should be tested, meaning every police department could have its own rules about what evidence to test, keep or throw away. Some even let individual detectives make those calls. What happened to a woman's rape kit could depend not only on what state she was in, but which side of a county line she was on, or even who was on duty when she asked for help.. Sincerely hope, and believe, that this person should be demoted in their referee credentials to a 6.I were involved, either as a fencer, or as a referee, and someone was trying to make me re fence a bout that was fairly fenced, I would force them to show me the rule(s) explicitly requiring this: I really don think they can. Probably really would have liked to not have to make fencers re fence it, but if they straight up lost the score of the first bout. What else are they gonna do?Oftentimes the refs at a SYC Y12 are volunteers who are learning and trying to get better as well. Like t...